Hadley was born Sunday, April 26th at 12:50am. She’s 7 lbs. 13 oz. and 21 inches of sweet baby squish.
She’s a girl after my own heart because she loves to eat. And, of course, when you take fluids in they gotta go someplace, it’s only natural. She might hold the record for the most times peeing during a session. If she’s not the winner, then she’s definitely a contender! (hee hee) Parents usually freak when this happens, but I try to reassure them that it happens at every session. “Really no big deal. It’s just part of my job. I get peed on regularly.” Everything at the studio is either washable (and I have that great “Sanitize” cycle on my washer) or disposable. So, no worries parents. One of the number one questions parents ask is what happens if my baby pees or poops on your stuff? New parents – you have enough to worry about, I don’t want you to stress about me and my stuff.
If you have any other questions about studio photo sessions – or you have a newborn that would like to challenge Hadley’s title – please give me call or send me and email.
Welcome to the world little one.
If you’re looking for a newborn photographer in Porterville, CA please contact me here: https://bellies-n-babiesphotography.com/contact-me