I recently had the opportunity to do a lifestyle session with a special family. It’s not the kind of photography that I normally do so I was excited for the challenge and the chance to be creative in a new space. I’m so glad that I did it, because it reaffirmed to me how important it is to document our lives. Not just the special occasions, the get dressed up, everybody look at the camera and smile moments…but the every day, just spending time with the people that you love moments. Sometimes the most mundane things are the moments we most often remember when we think of someone that we love. I think that makes them significant moments after all. I would cherish a photo of me fishing with my grandpa or cutting out paper snowflakes with my granny. What photo do you wish you had with your grandparents? These precious little girls now have a record of a day they spent with their great-grandparents. I hope they treasure these moments and the legacy that their great-grandma and papa have built for them.